The ICA's 9th Conference is taking place in less than a month! Have you taken a look at the Programme and determined which sessions you would like to attend?
This year's conference, which is taking place in Rome, Italy from 21-23 September will feature 17 lightning talks and 54 posters.
Lightning Talks
All of the lightning talks will be presented on the first day of the conference, Wednesday 21 September, from 13:30 - 15:00 in the Aula Jacopone da Todi room. Lightning talks are a 5 minute session to present a single project, demonstrate a technology or pitch an idea. This session is intended to either solicit comment from peers or to advertise the release of a new project, dataset, or tool.
The 17 lightning talks are as follows:
The ICA Roma 2022 Programme Committee is delighted with the large number of interesting posters we will have at the conference in September. 54 posters have been submitted as part of the programme. Posters are intended to be the presentation of research, a project, an idea or other type of work in the form of a paper poster that conference participants may view in a dedicated space at the conference venue. On Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22, from 15:00-15:45, the presenters of the posters will be available to provide explanations and answer questions in relation to their project.
The posters will be an unusually important feature of ICA Roma 2022 and much important work will be introduced as a poster, therefore we will be celebrating the whole poster category with a new initiative: the ICA Poster Awards.
The ICA Posters award committee will visit each poster and speak to the presenter about it during the two planned posters sessions.
Three of the most outstanding posters will be recognized with a small award on Friday 23 September during the ICA Posters award ceremony between 15:10 and 15:40.
View the full list of posters at the bottom of the programme:
Registration is currently ongoing, with discounted rates for ICA members, students, retirees and those from low-resourced countries. You can find all the categories and fees here.