eabh lunch hour web
eabh in cooperation with Allianz GI
6 July 2022
12.00 - 13.00 CET
Where is inflation headed?
Can we tell by looking at precedents from the past?
Gunther Schnabl (Leipzig) and Paul Schmelzing (Harvard) will discuss structural changes of the world economy and their effect on inflation and interest rates. Together, we will take a long view back in the history of both phenomena in order to set a historical context for the inflationary environment that has been created in Europe and the world right now.
What's the role of monetary and fiscal measures? Do we live through another ‘Volcker moment' in monetary policy?
Are interest rates historically declining? Is there a bottom line? Or should we expect an unprecedented rise in interest rates within the next years?
Join in the discussion with the experts!
More details are available at http://bankinghistory.org/events/
Registration is open here