ANAI segnala - Call for papers per la Conferenza della Sezione ICA Archivi d'impresa
Edimburgo, settembre 2023

ICA-SBA in collaboration with the Diageo Archive are pleased to invite attendees and speakers for the 2023 in-person conference to be hosted September 25 th & 26 th in Edinburgh at Johnnie Walker Princes Street.


The theme of the conference is `Engaging with our audiences’ (working title).

We invite business archivists to join us and come forward with practice-based proposals for presentations relevant to this topic. In particular, we would love to hear how business archives are looking at new ways to engage with external and internal users and stakeholders, tools and platforms that they have implemented and use – from social media to corporate videos to onboarding programmes etc. If this is a strategic focus for you or if you’re or doing something a bit different in this area, we’d love to hear from you.

Presentations should be 20 minutes and should be analytical rather than purely descriptive. Please note that unfortunately there will be no translation facilities at the conference, so only papers in English will be accepted. Please submit a short abstract of 250-300 words, including:

 Presentation title

 Name(s) of speaker(s)

 Job title and institution

 Postal address and email address

 Short bio (150-200 words)


The deadline for submissions is 24 th March 2023. Speakers will be notified by 14 th April 2023 whether their paper has been accepted. Speakers will be expected to cover their own travel costs.

We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh!


More information about ICA-SBA:

Diageo Archive:

Johnnie Walker Princes Street:

On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee

Christine McCafferty

Head of Archives

Diageo and Johnnie Walker Princes Street

Tel 00 44 7803 856515

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